Friday, 14 February 2020

9 Benefits of Strength Training

9 Benefits of Strength Training
There used to be a time when very few adults included strength training in their fitness routine. It was thought of as extreme, unnecessary and even dangerous.
Strength training is when resistance is used to challenge your muscles in order to gain strength and endurance. It can be performed with traditional weights, exercise bands, medicine balls, cable machines, sandbags, kettle bells or even just using your own body weight.
Times have certainly changed as a multitude of strength training benefits were proven by experts, including:
  • Strength and muscle tone
  • Cardiovascular capacity
  • Speed, Agility and Flexibility
  • Resistance to injury and disease
If that’s not enough to convince you to include regular strength training in your fitness routine, then read on for 9 Benefits of Strength Training…
1. Strength Training Builds Muscles: Don’t worry, ladies. This does NOT mean that you’re going to ‘bulk up’ or look too masculine. What will happen is that your arms, tummy and legs will become tighter, leaner and more defined.
2. Strength Training Burns Fat: When it comes to losing size, all that you want to see disappear is fat, not muscle. Strength training ensures that you maintain and grow those muscles and only lose fat.
3. Strength Training Builds Strong Bones: The older we get, the more important our bone density is. A good strength training program is one of your best defenses against osteoporosis.
4. Strength Training Alleviates Anxiety, Stress and Depression: Sure, there are plenty of pills out there that claim to give these benefits, but you and I both know that strength training is more wholesome and effective way. And besides, who really wants pharmaceutical side effects?
5. Strength Training Promotes Better Sleep: Here’s another pill you can stop taking once you start strength training. Study after study have proven that strength training improves sleep.
6. Strength Training Can Relieve Chronic Back Pain: If you are one of the millions across the globe who suffer from back pain then you’ll love the benefit of reduced pain.
7. Strength Training Contributes to Insulin Sensitivity: Today diabetes is a huge threat. Minimize your risk by improving insulin sensitivity through regular, challenging strength training.
8. Strength Training Improves Good to Bad Cholesterol Ratio: Here is yet another pill that you could potentially stop taking while on a strength training routine. Blood pressure and heart health are of utmost concern, so why not give yourself the advantage of a strength training routine?
9. Strength Training Raises Metabolism: This helps to reduce body fat and to keep that body fat off, even on the days that you aren’t able to exercise. Pretty awesome, right?
A solid strength training routine will tone your legs, lift your buns, strengthen your core, and will result in inches and pounds lost.

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Want to burn fat fast in only 8 weeks?

Hi Everyone,
I sent an email to you about the new rapid fat loss program I came up with while training my clients. Since that email I sent you last Friday, I've been flooded with emails from  folks inquiring about my 8 week FAT BLAST promo. I only have space for 8 clients that I'm starting in the new year, January 3rd.
Here are some details about the program that you should know about before you join.  As we know, it's an 8 week program that consists of weight training, plyometrics training, cardio, and of course nutrition. This program will have you working hard for 8 weeks and your results will come fast and will be significant when you follow the program. Some people will lose up to 15 - 20lbs and inches,  and go down dress & pant sizes. You will have some soreness in your muscles, nothing too bad,  just assuring you that you're getting an awesome workout.
The eating program I'll provide will not be a starvation diet,  I'm totally against that. It's a decent amount of calories manipulated in a crafty way to help your body burn maximum fat and retain muscle tone during the 8 week program. You will enjoy it. 
This is a limited time offer. I have reduced the cost and the session commitment.
Like I was saying, the program starts on Tuesday January 3rd, 2017 and I'm taking the first 8 people on my Fat Blast Program.
You can contact us at (905) 463-2013 or email: 

Friday, 9 December 2016

Proven FAST FAT LOSS in just 8 weeks!

 Hi everyone!
While trying different techniques with my clients,  I figured out a way to achieve Faster FAT Loss.  My new discovery showed  great results in melting fat for all my clients that followed it.  It's a combination of weight training, plyometrics training, cardio, and of course,  a great eating program which I provide. What I love about this program is that the results come FAST.  In fact, the entire program lasts 8 weeks and the results are truly amazing.  I’m offering this program to anyone who wants to blast away fat in just 8 weeks. I have decided to name this program the 8 Week Fat Blast. Do you want to burn away MORE FAT in my 8 Week Fat Blast Program? Take advantage of our promotional rate now.                                                                               Offer expires December 31st,2016.
See you soon!

Ian "FIT" King
#ABetterQualityOfLife                                                                                             Contact Penny 905-463-2013

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Sweat Together: 7 Partner Exercises Made for Cuffing Season

7 Exercises for Couples

‘Tis the season for “cuffing.” You know, that time of the year when the cold air and falling leaves send us running in the comforting (and warm) arms of another. If you’re still a bit perplexed as to what I’m talking about, don’t worry, I’ll let one of the Millennial’s over at UrbanDictionary spell it out for you in plain English:
“During the Fall and Winter months people who would normally rather be single find themselves along with the rest of the world desiring to be "Cuffed" or tied down by a serious relationship. The cold weather and prolonged indoor activity causes singles to become lonely and desperate to be cuffed.”
Now that you have an understanding of that sudden, overwhelming desire to find the PB to your J, you’re probably wondering why I’m rambling on about matters of the heart on a health and fitness blog. Well, my friends, cuffing season is the perfect time to mix-up your workout routine. I’ve already shared the benefits of including a variety of exercise positions into your routine, but asking your partner to join you on a Saturday morning run or gym shred session is another simple way to add some spice to a stagnant fitness regimen.

According to researchers at the University of Aberdeen, having an exercise partner boasts great results, since the presence of a gym buddy increases the amount of exercises we do. In addition to the boost of motivation and emotional support that you get from working out with “bae,”—another term that we have Millennial’s to thank for—being cuffed this season allows you to experience a new array of exercise positions.

So, this fall/winter say goodbye to that solo fitness routine and hit the gym with your partner for some challenging, imaginative and fun workouts. I may not be able to help you hone your cuffing season skills (sorry), but I can definitely provide you with a few exercise ideas for couples. Keep reading to learn how you and your cuffing partner can be the fittest couple at this year’s office holiday party.

Saturday, 17 September 2016

The Secret to Perfecting the Weight-Loss Smoothie

Weight Loss Green Smoothie

The thicker the shake, the thinner your waistline. That at least seems like a good bet given new data showing that a drink thickened with fiber makes you feel fuller. In fact, participants in the study, which appears in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, reported feeling fuller after drinking a thick shake with only 100 calories than after drinking a thin shake with five times as many calories. 

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Slow it Down, Child: Exercise like a Human, Not a Robot

When I sat down at my computer to write this post, I had a million ideas bouncing around in my head, but none of them stuck. For some reason, preaching to you about the health benefits of quinoa or the latest trend to take the fitness community by storm seemed a bit redundant. Although I usually find those sorts of topics electrifying, today, I wanted to do something a bit out of the ordinary. I wanted to talk about something different.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Mix it up: How Adding Variety Into Your Exercise Routine Can Get You Results

If you think back to your last few workout sessions, did you perform the same exercises over and over again? Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s time to switch up your routine.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

6 Ways to Prevent Sports Injuries

Ask any athlete what their worst fear is, and they’ll probably say getting a debilitating injury. It’s absolutely devastating to be sidelined for an inordinate amount of time due to a sprained ankle or torn ACL. Since it’s common knowledge that playing sports is hard on the body, a smart athlete makes sure to take great care of his/her body. Having love for the game, whatever it may be, is not enough; you need to have love for your body too.

While it is impossible to avoid experiencing harm while playing sports, research suggests that injury rates could be reduced by 25% if athletes took appropriate preventative action. No matter what sport your play, here are 6 general rules to follow for injury prevention: