Tuesday, 22 June 2010

FREE Outdoor Fitness Class with Total Body Fitness

Join us this Monday, June 28th at 7:45 pm for a FREE “TOTAL BODY” workout at our “bring a friend” event. Participants must be physically able to participate in this type of exercise as a medical consent and waiver MUST be completed by every participant. Spaces are limited.

Please contact us at 905-463-2013 or e-mail us at tbfitness@rogers.com to reserve your spot today! (Light weights 3-5lbs dumbbells, mat, and stability ball optional but recommended).

Monday, 21 June 2010

Total Body Fitness recommends 5 things to drink to lose weight

Total Body Fitness recommends 5 things to drink to lose weight

1. Ice cold water

You'll burn an extra 80-200 calories a day by drinking eight glasses of ice cold water because...

Your body has to burn calories (or fat) in order to heat the ice cold water back up to your body temperature. The amount of calories you burn (and the weight you lose) will rack up over time as you drink Ice cold water everyday.

A German study says drinking about 2 extra glasses of water can boost your metabolism by 30% and they figure when you drink about 1.5 liters of water a day you'll lose an extra 5 lbs a year.

2. Milk

Milk is high in calcium and calcium can boost weight loss by increasing fat breakdown in fat cells. This doesn't mean you should go out and drink gallons of milk everyday - but adding milk to your diet in moderation can double the rate of fat you lose.

Different studies say different things on milk and weight loss... some say you can lose 30, 50, and one study even said 70% more weight than people who don't include 3-4 servings of dairy (milk) a day.

3. Green Tea

Studies show you can burn 35-43% more fat during the day when you drink 3-to-5 cups of green tea.

4. Vegetable Juice

Drinking a glass of vegetable juice before your meals may cause you to eat 135 less calories according to a study done at Penn. state university and even if you can't make vegetable juice... Drinking a couple glasses of water before meals will also make you eat much less so you lose more weight.

5. Whey protein

Whey protein helps you release appetite suppressing hormones that curb your cravings and keep you fuller longer.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Total Body Fitness would like to wish all the mothers out there, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Sargeant Ian

Due to popular demand, Ian will be teaching Beginner’s Bootcamp

starting May 10 @ 7pm. If you haven’t registered yet, contact Total

Body Fitness to secure your spot!

Get your “Total Body” workout with Ian and reach your optimum fitness potential.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

International Coaches Association-ICA Fitness and Conditioning Certification

Ian King has officially been awarded Fitness and Soccer Conditioning Coaching status. Congratulations Ian on your most recent accomplishment!

Friday, 16 April 2010



Contact TOTAL BODY FITNESS & WELLNESS before APRIL 23RD to secure your spot.

Don’t miss out! Summer is right around the corner.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Total Body Fitness Helps You Figure Out How Many Calories You Should Eat

Whether you want to maintain your weight or lose weight, Total Body Fitness tells you how to calculate the number of calories you should consume daily.


How many calories should I eat if I want to lose weight?


It's Relative

Technically, there is no magic number of calories we should all eat each day to lose weight. While most people can lose weight eating around 1,500 calories, you can assess your own personal caloric needs with a little math.

Why Estimate Your Caloric Needs?

To estimate how many calories you should consume in order to maintain your weight, you'll need to do a little math. By using a simple formula called the Harris-Benedict principle, you can assess your basal metabolic rate -- also known as your BMR.

(Then, to lose weight, you'll need to cut calories or burn extra calories and shoot for a level lower than the results you get with this formula.)

Calculate Your BMR

Your BMR is the amount of energy your body needs to function. We use about 60% of the calories we consume each day for basic bodily functions such as breathing.

Other factors that influence your BMR are height, weight, age and sex.

Step one is to calculate your BMR with the following formula:

655 + (4.3 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

66 + (6.3 x weight in pounds) + (12.9 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)

Please note that this formula applies only to adults except pregnant or nursing women.

Calculate Activity

Step two: In order to incorporate activity into your daily caloric needs, do the following calculation:

· If you are sedentary : BMR x 20 percent

· If you are lightly active: BMR x 30 percent

· If you are moderately active (You exercise most days a week.): BMR x 40 percent

· If you are very active (You exercise intensely on a daily basis or for prolonged periods.): BMR x 50 percent

· If you are extra active (You do hard labor or are in athletic training.): BMR x 60 percent

Add this number to your BMR.

The result of this formula will be the number of calories you can eat every day and maintain your current weightt. In order to lose weight, you'll need to take in fewer calories than this result, approximately 500 calories less.

As you lose weight, you can re-calculate the formula to assess your new BMR.

Friday, 12 March 2010

Total Body Fitness Gives Useful info on Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles Tendon Support Can Help Relieve Achilles Tendonitis Pain

So you’ve decided to exercise, but forgot to stretch your calf muscles, and now you have a sharp pain just above your ankle. This pain – most likely the result of Achilles tendonitis, a condition often caused by tight calf muscles – can be alleviated via Achilles tendon support.

The Achilles tendon, the strongest tendon in the body, connects the calf muscle to the heel bone, so Achilles tendon support is crucial to helping it remain strong. Named after the Greek warrior who could only be mortally wounded in his heel, the Achilles tendon supports your body’s weight during exercise and everyday activities such as walking and climbing stairs. When the Achilles tendon becomes irritated or inflamed, you may experience a sharp, constant pain just above your heel. If you’re experiencing this pain, you most likely have Achilles tendonitis. Total Body Fitness explains some causes and remedies to help people prevent or recover from this most painful condition.

Poor Achilles Tendon Support Can Cause Achilles Tendonitis

Tight calf muscles due to poor stretching or a too rapid increase in the frequency or intensity of athletic activity typically inflame the Achilles tendon, thus causing Achilles tendonitis and compelling you to pursue Achilles tendon support.

The following conditions and factors can also lead to Achilles tendonitis and the need for Achilles tendon support :

* Flat feet or over-pronation during walking or running.
* Shoes that don’t stabilize your feet.
* Leg length discrepancy (one leg is longer than the other).

Relieve and Prevent Achilles Tendonitis Pain

If you have Achilles tendonitis pain, you can find relief by integrating better Achilles tendon support exercises into your daily routine. Also, in addition to Achilles tendon support, try following these suggestions:

* Temporarily stop the activity that caused the pain (running, excessive walking, etc.).
* Ice and/or massage the painful area. Apply ice approximately three times a day for 20 minutes to help reduce inflammation of the tendon.
* Gently stretch and massage your calf muscle using a stretching aid..
* Use a heel lift in your shoes to help reduce the pull on the tendon and promote healing.
Achilles tendon support is crucial to helping avoid future problems with your Achilles tendon. Try to follow these tips to help guard against Achilles tendonitis in the future:

* Consistently stretch your calf muscles before exercising or walking.
* Wear shoes that stabilize your feet during motion. Remember, an ideal support shoe has the following characteristics:
o Firm heel counter
o Wide enough toe box to accommodate toes without pinching
o Semi-rigid or rigid shank
o Removable inner sole
o Long vamp
o Heel measuring between ¾ - 1½ inches
* Use heel lifts and other insoles in shoes to give your feet more cushioning and support. These types of products provide great Achilles tendon support.
* If you find yourself recovering from Achilles tendonitis, ease back into exercise slowly, giving yourself enough time to heal.

If the pain persists and you feel like you need better Achilles tendon support, The Podiatry Institute recommends consulting a podiatrist, as chronic Achilles tendonitis may require physical therapy, cast immobilization or even surgery in extreme cases.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Endurance athletes need vitamin D says Total Body fitness

Total Body Fitness Explains the Importance of Vitamin D for Endurance Athletes
We are only just beginning to understand the complexity and importance of vitamin D in relation to health. Of importance to athletes is the function of vitamin D as it relates to overall health, bone density, innate immunity, muscle wasting, and exercise-related inflammation and immunity. To train and race optimally, an athlete should not have any nutrient deficiencies.
Bone Health:
Deena Kastor, Olympic Marathoner, broke her foot in Beijing during the 2008 Olympic Marathon. It was discovered that her calcium levels were normal, but her 25(OH)D levels were reported to be around 15 ng/ml. And Kastor lives in sunny California. Because of an early scare with skin cancer, she is known to apply sunscreen for all of her outdoor runs, thus limiting her ability to manufacture vitamin D from sun exposure. Even with the extensive research to show vitamin D and calcium’s role in preventing osteoporosis, elite, college, and high school athletes continue to be deficient in one or both nutrient(s). Stress fractures are quite prevalent in runners and yet so preventable.
Increased VO2 max:
German research studies dating back to the 1950s show that athletes exposed to vitamin D-producing ultraviolet light had improved athletic performance. Other studies showed that athletic performance peaked at the end of the summer. Peak performance was also associated with 25(OH)D levels around 50 ng/ml. In addition, maximal oxygen uptake was found to drop when less ultraviolet rays reached the earth, for example, in the late fall. This is particularly a problem for marathoners training through the summer for fall marathons.
Reduced Inflammation:
After intense exercise, endurance athletes experience inflammation due to elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Vitamin D reduces the production of these cytokines while increasing the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines, thereby speeding the recovery process between hard workouts.
Improved Immunity:
In a February 2009 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, vitamin D3 levels were tested in 19, 000 Americans. Those with low levels of vitamin D had the highest incidence of colds and influenza. This is important information for endurance athletes who strive to balance heavy training loads and staying healthy.
What can be done?
1. Get regular, safe, twice-daily (5-30 minutes) exposure to sun between the hours of 10 am and 3 pm. Note that sunscreen and glass (being indoors) reduce or block UV energy.
2. Supplement with 1000 IU to 2000 IU of vitamin D3 to maintain normal levels.
For those living or competing in northern latitudes (north of Atlanta, GA) little to no vitamin D production will occur, so consumption of fortified foods and supplements is a necessity

Friday, 26 February 2010

Total Body Fitness offers good advice on shoveling

After heavy snowfalls there’s often an increase in the number of fatal heart attacks among those who shovel snow. It’s theorized this is due to the sudden demand that shoveling places on the heart. Snow shoveling causes a rapid increase in heart rate and blood pressure. One study found that a sedentary man’s heart rate rose to levels higher than those normally recommended during aerobic exercise after just two minutes of shoveling snow.

With this in mind, think before you head out with your shovel in hand. Think about your physical condition – if you are out of shape, take it slow along with breaks. When you are shoveling your body is pushing, lifting, and lunging.J Just because you may be lucky to have pretty light fluffy snow, that doesn’t mean it’s not hard on your back. Remember to bend at the knees. When you’re hurling that shovel full of snow, lift with your legs, not your back.

The National Safety Council offers the following tips to help you get a handle on safe shoveling:

- Individuals over the age of 40, or those who are relatively inactive, should be especially careful. If you have a history of heart trouble, do not shovel without a doctor's permission.

- Do not shovel after eating or while smoking.

- Shovel only fresh snow. Freshly fallen, powdery snow is easier to shovel than the wet, packed-down variety.

- Push the snow as you shovel. It's easier on your back than lifting the snow out of the way.

- Don't pick up too much at once. Use a small shovel, or fill only one-fourth or one-half of a large one.

- Do not work to the point of exhaustion. If you run out of breath, take a break. If you feel tightness in your chest, stop immediately.

Friday, 5 February 2010

Total Body Fitness tells why exercise helps in treatment and prevention of kidney stones ...

Exercise plays a vital role in the development and fitness of an individual. It is well known that exercise helps an individual to attain fitness and fight from various kinds of health problems. It is exercise and a balanced diet that gives your body energy to fight against illness and other disorders.
Kidney stone is one of the most popular and highly problematic ailments that require immediate action and attention. It has been termed as a highly painful ailment in which a patient tends to face a number of problems. Kidney stone pain is so intense that it has been compared to the pain that a woman experience during child birth. The stones may be as small as sand granules or as big as a golf ball. The size and color of the stones varies but that does not make much difference in the problems associated with it. Kidney stones are hard pieces of some substance from urine of an individual; mostly it is due to the deposits of calcium oxalates.
Many remedies have been suggested to kidney stone patients that prove to be helpful in tackling this ailment. It has been stated that regular weight bearing exercise will help store calcium in bones, which would otherwise get excreted in the urine. Exercise also helps to prevent the build-up of high levels of calcium in the bloodstream. (Total Body Fitness specializes in weight bearing exercise programs. Contact 905-463-2013 for more details.)
Exercise plays a big role in a sense in the prevention and treatment of kidney stones as it would help an individual to remain fit and cut his/her excess weight. A patient with less or ideal weight is thought to be less prone to kidney stones; as it will help the patient to remain active and slim. Obesity is not only a cause of kidney stones, but many other health problems as well. It is a good idea to seek the assistance of a health care professional to determine your ideal body weight.
Also, drink adequate amounts of water. This is probably the single most important thing that can help to prevent kidney stones. Most of the body's biological functions require water in order to function properly. Dehydration causes a concentration of minerals in the kidneys, which can lead to formation of kidney stones. Exercise tends to increase dehydration and can cause lactic acidosis, both factors that increase the risk of kidney stones, so it is really important to keep properly hydrated. The amount of water required by each person on a daily basis is determined by body composition. As a guide, however, you should try to drink at least 1 glass of water every two waking hours.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Total Body Fitness Offers Fitness Assessments and Explains Body Fat Measurements

Some regard the body fat percentage as the better measure of an individual's fitness level, as it is the only body measurement which directly calculates the particular individual's body composition. The widely-used body mass index (BMI), on the other hand, simply makes blanket assumptions as to what every individual of a certain height should ideally weigh, regardless of the body composition which makes up that weight. The BMI gives particularly inaccurate information with regard to individuals with above-average lean muscle mass, classifying such individuals as "overweight" or "obese" despite the fact that their body fat percentage would indicate they are in excellent physical condition. Total Body Fitness measures body fat as part of the FREE fitness assessment offered to all of their clients and for a fee of $25 to others. Once you know your percentage of body fat , you can consult with the chart below. Your body fat percentage is simply the percentage of fat your body contains. If you are 150 pounds and 10% fat, it means that your body consists of 15 pounds fat and 135 pounds lean body mass (bone, muscle, organ tissue, blood and everything else). A certain amount of fat is essential to bodily functions. Obesity is determined not only by body weight, but also by measurement of body fat or body fat percentage. People might be normal or underweight, but may have excessive body fat. On the other hand, some might be over weight by normal standards, but if they have low body fat, they are not obese.

Fat regulates body temperature, cushions and insulates organs and tissues and is the main form of the body's energy storage. The following table describes body fat ranges and their associated categories:



Age Excellent Good Fair Risky

20-24 10.8 14.9 19 23.3
25-29 12.8 16.5 20.3 24.3
30-34 14.5 18 21.5 25.2
35-39 16.1 19.3 22.6 26.1
40-44 17.5 20.5 23.6 26.9
45-49 18.6 21.5 24.5 27.6
50-54 19.5 22.3 25.2 28.3
55-59 20.0 22.9 25.9 28.9
60+ 20.3 23.4 26.4 29.5


Age Excellent Good Fair Risky

20-24 18.9 22.0 25.0 29.6
25-29 18.9 22.1 25.4 29.8
30-34 19.7 22.7 26.4 30.5
35-39 21.0 24.0 27.7 31.5
40-44 22.6 25.6 29.3 32.8
45-49 24.3 27.3 30.9 34.1
50-54 25.8 28.9 32.3 35.5
55-59 27.0 30.2 33.5 36.7
60+ 27.6 30.9 34.2 37.7

Friday, 22 January 2010

Low Carb Diet Basics by Total Body Fitness

Learn The Basics of Low Carb Diets

With so many diets out there today it's easy to get confused. So exactly what is a low carb diet? A low carb diet is actually a broad term that refers to eating plans for weight loss that focus on the reduced or controlled consumption of carbohydrates. Examples of popular low carb diets include:

* Atkins
* South Beach
* Zone
* Protein Power

Many low carb diet plans include detailed lists of "good" and "bad" foods to eat. For low carb diet regimens, careful meal preparation is a must and the urge to snack has to be overcome at all costs. Undertaking such an eating plan requires a considerable amount of willpower, so before choosing a low carb diet it's important to consider all the potential benefits and drawbacks to be certain you know exactly what you're getting into.
Consult Your Physician First

Before beginning any program of diet or exercise it is highly advisable to consult with your physician first. Both diet and exercise put a strain on your body as it struggles to adapt to the changes in routine and the kinds of "fuel" it is receiving. Individuals who suffer from high blood pressure or who have high cholesterol levels in particular should discuss high protein low carb diets with their doctors. In some instances such diets can actually worsen your medical condition and an alternate plan of weight loss may be more appropriate for your metabolism and overall health. It's always better to play it safe and get all the information first.
Benefits of Low Carb Diets

When you choose low carb diet plans there are a number of likely benefits although every person will experience an individual level of success with a given low carb diet. Studies have shown that low carb diets:

* lead to weight loss
* improve triglycerides
* reduce blood glucose
* increase "good" cholesterol
* improve insulin sensitivity
* lower the blood insulin level
* decrease blood pressure
* lessen the loss of muscle mass

Anecdotal evidence from individuals who have followed high protein low carb diet plans suggets additional benefits including:

* increased energy
* decrease cravings for sweets
* improved emotional reactions
* better mental function and capacity
* decreased compulsive or emotional eating
* improved dental hygiene

As with most diets, however, low carb diet eating plans also have their detractors.
The Disadvantages of a Low Carb Diet

Disadvantages of a low carb diet include:

* the restrictive nature of the low carb diet menu makes the diet difficult to maintain
* some people replow energy levels and headaches
* some dieters experience digestive problems with increased protein consumption
* blood pressure and cholesterol levels actually elevate

The greatest criticism from nutritionists is that in the long term a low carb diet plan may not provide enough nutritional balance. Given that caution, people who do decide to undertake a low carb diet should learn as much as possible about maintaining the correct mixture of foods. Almost all nutritionists are in agreement that balance is better than extremism in any eating plan.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010


Major news for people with thyroid problems who are facing weight loss challenges is the news that the natural dietary supplement conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) reduces body fat in people who are overweight.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), is a naturally occurring free fatty acid. CLA was discovered by accident in 1978 by Michael W. Pariza at the University of Wisconsin while looking for mutagen formations in meat during cooking.

CLA occurs naturally in small amounts in foods such as milk, cheese, beef, and lamb as well as many processed foods. One processed food in particular that's high in CLA is Cheez Wiz. But getting enough CLA from your diet for the preferred benefit would require considerable intake of these types of foods. This is not only impractical, but would also have a seriously negative impact on your metabolism due to the high caloric penalty you would pay. CLA is research proven to build muscle, reduce body fat, and induce an optimum cellular environment for improved health! Antioxidant and anti-cancer properties have also been attributed to CLA,

A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, published in the December 2000 issue of the Journal of Nutrition found that CLA reduces fat and preserves muscle tissue. According to the research project manager, an average reduction of six pounds of body fat was found in the group that took CLA, compared to a placebo group. The study found that approximately 3.4 grams of CLA per day is the level needed to obtain the beneficial effects of CLA on body fat.

Dr. Michael Pariza reported in August 2000 to the American Chemical Society that "It doesn't make a big fat cell get little. What it rather does is keep a little fat cell from getting big." Pariza's research did not find weight loss in his group of 71 overweight people, but what he did find was that when the dieters stopped dieting, and gained back weight, those taking CLA "were more likely to gain muscle and not fat.'' In a separate study conducted at Purdue University in Indiana , CLA was found to improve insulin levels in about two-thirds of diabetic patients, and moderately reduced the blood glucose level and triglyceride levels.

CLA has been the subject of a variety of research in the past several years, and findings also suggest that some of the other benefits of CLA include the following:

· Increases metabolic rate -- This would obviously be a positive benefit for thyroid patients, as hypothyroidism -- even when treated -- can reduce the metabolic rate in some people.

· Decreases abdominal fat -- Adrenal imbalances and hormonal shifts that are common in thyroid patients frequently cause rapid accumulation of abdominal fat, so this benefit could be quite helpful.

· Enhances muscle growth -- Muscle burns fat, which also contributes to increased metabolism, which is useful in weight loss and management.

· Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides -- Since many thyroid patients have elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels, even with treatment, this benefit can have an impact on a thyroid patient's health.

· Lowers insulin resistance -- Insulin resistance is a risk for some hypothyroid patients, and lowering it can also help prevent adult-onset diabetes and make it easier to control weight.

· Reduces food-induced allergic reactions -- Since food allergies can be at play when weight loss becomes difficult, this can be of help to thyroid patients.

· Enhances immune system -- Since most cases of thyroid disease are autoimmune in nature, enhancing the immune system's ability to function properly is a positive benefit.

If you're interested in taking CLA to help with weight loss, keep in mind that it's not a magic pill, and you will need to start a program of diet and exercise in order to successfully lose weight and keep it off.

If You Are Interested in Taking CLA

CLA is a supplement, and does not require a prescription. It is available at health food/ nutritional supplement stores, and at online outlets. Experts recommend that you use a patented name brand, as some brands have inconsistent or insufficient amounts of CLA contained in them. The brand used in testing was "Tonalin" brand CLA, which comes in 1000 mg capsules. To obtain the level determined to be effective in the testing -- 3.4 g, or 3400 mg, per day -- you would need to take 4 of these capsules a day, with meals.

Please note also, that you should not think that CLA alone will help you lose weight. You still need to be on a balanced, reduced-calorie, low-glycemic diet, and have to incorporate regular, vigorous exercise, and weight bearing activities, into your life.